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Testify NOW to the NOSB

Time is running out to let your voice be heard by the USDA. On October 28, the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) will stop accepting testimony on the issue of hydroponics in organic certification. Two weeks after that the NOSB will decide whether to accept the principle of hydroponics as having a place in organic certification. If they accept hydro, then the meaning of the word "organic" will be changed forever in America. This will leave the real organic farmers no place to go to differentiate their crops from the alternatives, and no way for organic eaters to tell whether they are buying soil grown or real organic. There is real support in the NOSB  for banning hydroponics, but they NEED OUR SUPPORT!


Testifying is easy. Click on the link below, and then click on the blue button that says "Comment Now!"  in the upper right corner. Then just enter your address and a comment. It can be a few lines or a long treatise, depending on your inclination. Your comments WILL be read.



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