Hydroponics - What's the Big Deal?
This article first appeared in the November 2015 NODPA News and was written by Ed Malby, Executive Director of the Northeast Organic...
Organic faithful press USDA to boot certification of hydroponics
This article first appeared in the November 18 issue of Agri-Pulse. Pressure by organic farmers and a host of other organic advocates is...
If He Can Make Her So - by Haniel Long
The living roots enfold the soil, the soil The living roots – between them is forever The secret ritual of their nourishment. Without the...

Sign the Petition to Keep Soil in Organic
We need your help! Click a link below to sign the petition and keep soil in organic farming: Sign the Petition for Consumers Sign the...

Scenes from the Farmer Protest
See all the photos from last month's farmer protest in Stowe, VT. #action #farmers #dirt #NOSB #USDA

Bill Liebhardt Supports the Soil
"I have worked with organic agriculture since 1981 at the Rodale Research Center. Organic soil management is a complex issue and...
Scale and Quality in Organic Farming
Here's an interesting article from Eliot Coleman about radical organic agriculture... -- Scale and Quality in Organic Farming by Eliot...

Stowe, Vermont 2015
As we all recover from the circus that is the semi-annual NOSB meeting, I am still amazed by the positive reception that we had for our...

Dave Chapman's Testimony to the NOSB
The time has come for a conclusion on the issue of hydroponics in organic. Like the Emperor’s new clothes, the NOP position relies on our...